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October is gone and November is here

Posted by Yengxi V. on Tuesday, 08 November 2016

Oh snap! October is gone and November is here. One thing I definitely enjoy in October was the weather. This past month was quite interesting. It definitely challenge me to do well and become a better person. By that I mean learning about time management with school, work and life. It was hectic and I tried to do everything at once. I had many homework assignments that were due, and I had no time at all. There were time I would be so exhausted and pass out after a long day. Which that take me back to time management. One thing I learn to do well is to make sure I have enough time for self-care, school, work, and fun times. Time management, this past month was a challenge I learned to overcome. I understand now that I need to prioritize myself, and school. This was something I fall back on that October reminded me of.

Well enough of my lesson learn. This past October I did many thing and a few were my first time. Check them below.

Thing 1 for Halloween

First time at Marc E. Bassy's concert with my little sister

First time trying roll up ice-cream

First homecoming game with my amiga

First paint night

Sunset by the river