I loved ballet from the very beginning. I was first introduced to ballet as a little girl, my mom and I had a special date together ever Wednesday afternoon. I would put on my pink tights and my pink leotard and slip on a pretty dress. My mom would gently pull my hair into a tight bun high on my head and secure it was many many pins. We would start our Wed adventure with a lunch and then walk up the busy street in Toronto to the dance studio. The ballet class is a memory of happy little girls skipping in a room with a row of smiling moms up against the window.... that's how it started and how I fell in love with Ballet.
I eventually stared dancing multiple times a week at Canada's National Ballet School in there associates program. We participated in character dance as well as Jazz and swim class. As I got older I noticed a group of beautiful dancers always in the studio before me, so graceful and gentle with their movements. I asked my mom who they were. She explained they were with in The professional program and we would need to audition, be invited to spend the summer in the NBS summer intensive and then after the intensive they will decide if they will offer the dancer a spot. I decided right then and there I really really want to be in the studio with dance such as the girls I watched through the window.
I will forever remember Miss Toto of Canada's National Ballet School calling my number and then inviting me to attend the summer program. It was the most wonderful thing they had ever happened to me.... until the end of the summer when Miss Stains called us into her office to invite me into the Grade 6 class Full-time professional Ballet program.... it was really happening I was invited into this magnificent building to attend ballet classes and study academics everyday!!! I loved every single second... I studied at NBS from grades 6-8 and then my international adventure started.
I had heard about a very progressive school in Arizona that very much got my attention. The number of hrs in the studio were double to what I was currently doing and for me the more time in the studio the better. We arrived at Master ballet-Academy and I was surprised at the large number of dancers in the studio and the little facility.... well it didn't take long before I soon realized how much love and attention Slawomir Wozniak and Irena Wozniak love their dancers and love teaching. The passion and commitment to each dancer made up for the larger class size and soon this little studio seemed bigger then life as the dancers were so amazing and talented and welcoming. I felt at home... we decided I would begin my next chapter of ballet here at Master ballet Academy.
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