Tell us a little about yourself
I'm a tiny woman, born & raised in Israel with an American dad & a German mom. I managed to get to my 30's & I couldn't be happier for that; life had been quit a challenge for me with many traumatic events & emotional, mental & physical imbalances & injuries. Today I live happily as I live by my authentic expressions, when my inner coherence leads the way through unconditional love & compassion. Everything I experienced & more importantly how I choose to react with everything had sparkled my inner fire to flow with ease, as I maintain my balance & live consciously. I believe that humanity can change & shift from being in suffering to being compassionate, joyful & full of love. The way for me to do so is to shift from living a mind-base life (judgments, comparison, fixated automatic responses...) to live a heart-base life where compassion, ease & neutrality is my base. It's a life guided by my intuition to co-create harmonic life flow for all instead of just for me. I'm a dancer, choreographer, model, producer, writer, holistic wellbeing & fitness coach, artist, branding consultant & more. My motto is matching our essences with our appearance. My main key is my own awareness & self connection; allowing me to always live with a sense of togetherness. Life is a game of balance between stability & flexibility for me, I'm grateful for dancing had taught me that in a young age.
How long have you been dancing for?
Ive been dancing for over 25 years now in general. I had a few breaks during these years, for me those years were for dancing with life; to enhance the qualities & dancing abilities through my life's experiences.
What styles of dance do you specialize in?
I specialize in contemporary & classical ballet, although I love all the latin dance styles as well & I would love to have the time to learn all the street styles
What made you want to start dancing?
My grandpa took me to a show of the 'Bolshoi' company , seeing them on stage touched my heart and made me smile with admiration & excitement. A few days later my dad took me to the local dance studio and asked me if I wanna learn how to dance. If I only knew back then how dance is my way in this life, I would've given him a big hug, instead of simply running into the studio to start a class. I loved moving my body in space & I quickly realized the talent I have.
What has been your greatest accomplishment on your dance career?
It might be a bit different than the usual answer, but for me the greatest accomplishment is connecting with myself & working with other people to help them do the same through working with their body movements. Dancing always been a way to run away from life's challenges, when today dancing is a way to deal with life as I maintain my inner connection with myself. It's a connection of self love & unconditional compassion, just as it's a way to sustain my strength, stability & flexibility. More than all, it's a connection that keeps my sense of safety & freedom, knowing there's always a move I can take that will lead me to where I wanna be.
What has been your most memorable moment?
I had a solo on pointe in one of my performances & when I got on stage & started dancing the audience became quite while there was a sense of admiration with a sense of connection between me & the audience. Having the experience of me doing what I love the most, in the best way that I can do it & everyone are enjoying it in such a level was remarkable for me. Knowing I have the ability to touch people's hearts through my dancing is one of the greatest feelings I desire to sustain in my life.
What has been your greatest challenge?
My greatest challenge was getting back in shape after my injuries. I'm still working on it & takes time to make sure I'm doing it all in the best way to maintain my health. The hard work dancing requires is something I'm gradually getting back to, while learning my ways to do so as I keep my body in its optimal abilities.
What advice would you give to other dancers?
Beyond enjoy what you do, don't just work hard (simply because you won't have the energy to enjoy it all) my advice for other dancers is to do their best to dance consciously; it's not about being the best in the group on the expense of your own well-being & health, it's about connecting with yourself to allow your body, heart, mind & spirit to collaborate in the most auspicious & harmonic ways in order for you to deliver your absolute optimal abilities --to shine bright. You can achieve all that you desire in many ways, so just ask yourself--what is my way to do it all? There's always a way for you, you just need to find it& conscious movement is the way in my opinion. Of course it's our awareness with the base of unconditional love & compassion. It's a judgy professional field, the best you can do is be compassionate with yourself & others. Simply allow your own natural vital flow to be present as you live in the moment instead of living for the moment.